IJIRST (International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology)ISSN (online) : 2349-6010

 International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology

Design, Modelling, Fabrication and Testing of Oil Measuring & Dispensing Machine

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International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
Volume 2 Issue - 5
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Sheikh Kalam Sadique ; Dr. A. V. Vanalkar


     title={Design, Modelling, Fabrication and Testing of Oil Measuring & Dispensing Machine},
     author={Sheikh Kalam Sadique and Dr. A. V. Vanalkar},
     journal={International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology},
     publisher={IJIRST (International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology)},


Liquid dispenser machine is commonly found in our daily life in different places like offices, bus stands, railway stations, petrol pumps. In this thesis we are going to present a pneumatic operated oil dispenser machine. Using a pneumatic system interface, we can effectively increase operator accuracy, reduce training time and improve overall efficiencies, thus keeping cost down a properly designed pneumatic system interface can improve overall accuracy. Present liquid dispenser machine available in industries are costly, complex and hard in design and fabrication. Main requirement from this machine is its metering or measuring quality. Accuracy of measuring is very less in various machines. Hence, the basic theme behind this research is to improve these disadvantages of oil dispenser machine. The oil dispenser machine presently available is based on practice and past experience of the employer in his working field and also, its efficiency declines at a greater rate after a period of time. By surveying the present machines and comparing their present limitations, new model will be fabricated so that designs data can be obtained to formulate experimental data based model for this process. The design of model will be so simple that it can be adopted easily by small industries & automobile workshop. Easy technology will help to reduce metering problem. The present work reports the design & fabrication of oil measuring & dispensing machine which is used in small industries & automobile workshop.


oil dispenser machine, relays, solenoid valve, pneumatic actuator & air compressor

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