IJIRSTISSN (online) : 2349-6010

 International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology

A Review Paper on "5G Wifi AC Technology"

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International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
Conference : V-IMPACT-2016
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Arpit Tripathi ; Prof. Sanjiv Kumar


Arpit Tripathi and Prof. Sanjiv Kumar. "A Review Paper on "5G Wifi AC Technology"." International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology . (2016): 7-8.


802.11ac, the upcoming standard from the IEEE, is like the film The Godfather Part II. It makes it even better. 802.11ac is a very fast and highly scalable version of 802.11n. It contains the freedom of wireless with the powers of Gigabit Ethernet. Wireless LOCAL AREA NETWORK sites will see drastic improvements in the number of users supported by a single access point , a flawless experience for each user, and more bandwidth available for a higher number of parallel video streaming. Even when the network is not fully crowded, users see a benefit, that their file downloads and email synchronization happen at low lag gigabit speeds. Also, system battery life is increased, since the system’s Wi-Fi connection can wake up, receive and transmit data with its access protocol, and then get back to dozing much more quickly. 802.11ac achieves its raw speed increased by insisting on three different parameter. More channel bonding, hiked from a max. limit of 40 Megahertz with 802.11n up to 80 or even 160 Megahertz (for speed hikes of 117 or 333 percent, respectively). Denser modulation now uses 256 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), up from 64 QAM in 802.11n (for a 33% speed burst at shorter, yet still usable, ranges). There are some substantial differences between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz and what you can do with them. As we know, the 2.4Ghz wireless band is a very congested place because it’s much used by most wireless devices beyond laptops, phones, and tablets. The lower-end wireless spectrum is also used by other devices like cordless phones, garage door openers, baby monitors, and much more. By contrast, the 5 GHz band is more ideally suited for data devices such as your laptop, phone, or tablet because it can transmit higher amounts of data, and it’s naturally less congested. 5 GHz does have a downside in that it is less able to penetrate solid walls and objects, so if you go outside your house to use your phone, your connection might drop.



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