An Inventory of Ethnomedicinal Plants among the Rabha Tribe Residing Nearby Chandubi Beel of Kamrup District (Assam)
Rekha Bora ; Ajit Kr. Das
Applied Science
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 126 - 129
Ethnobotany is a traditional health practice that herbal medicines are utilized by the tribal people in different parts of the world. They are collecting the herbs from their surroundings such as home gardens, nearby forests etc. This traditional knowledge they received from their ancestors that pass from generation to generation in their communities that is called Indigenous knowledge. This traditional health practice has a great popularity particularly among the poor people and those are residing in rural areas due to it is low cost, safe and effective properties that helps them curing their primary health problems. Because it is difficult to get modern medicinal facilities in those areas for this reason it is served as most faithful and effective medicine among those people. The aim of the present study was to discuss and evaluate some medicinal plants that are adopted by the people of Rabha tribe of Kamrup Dristrict for their traditional practices.
Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics from Liquid Jet Impingement to Different Flat Plates
Sandeep Sharma ; Rakesh Kumar
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 130 - 133
This work presents and discusses the results of an experimental investigation of heat transfer between the different plates of impinged jets. An unconfined jet of water is impinged on the mild steel copper and aluminium plate and the position of the plate to nozzle distance of 20mm for each plate.The experiment is focused on the verification of the jet effect on the distribution of local heat transfer coefficient on the impinged target surface. The effect of flow in jet to test plate distance are also examined at fixed intersect spacing. As the result obtained the heat transfer rate experienced by a aluminium plate was more followed by mild steel plate and copper plate, when direct jet of fluid is impinged on it. Also compare the nozzle to plate distance 10 mm from each plate.
Design and Testing of Drop off Plate for Low Pressure Safety Devices
Prakash V. Ghelani ; Prof. M.I.Vyas
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 135 - 140
Safety valve in an industry often acts as the primary device to prevent catastrophic failure under pressure conditions. When cryogenic storage is considered, the safety valves used are of first concern as the storage is carried out at very low pressure and high mass flow rate. The commercially available safety valves for outer vacuum jacket cryogenic storage vessel are not compatible with lower pressure range of 1.2 bar. The low pressure safety valves are needed for such low pressure applications. The design of drop off device for low pressure applications has been considered in this project. Modelling and analysis of the design is done and further the creation of a working model of the same followed by testing of the model. Testing of conventional drop off device is also done to ensure the performance of the model created.
Design of D-Flip Flop Using MTCMOS Technique
M. Sowmya ; A. Divya; D. Sudharsan; Thenmozhi Ramyah
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 141 - 144
CMOS provide low power dissipation, comparatively high speed , high noise margin. D-flip flop is designed using mtcmos technique in which one transistor being clocked by short pulse train which is true single phase clocking (tspc) flip flop . In this paper D-flip flop implemented with mtcmos method is built using tanner eda software and the output is verified. In tanner, schematic diagram is designed in s-edit, truth table is observed on t-edit, the required waveforms are shown in w-edit, layout is specified in L-edit.
Review on Experimental Study of Influence of Soil Parameters on Infiltration Capacity
Shikha Shah ; Dr. R. K .Jain; Prof H. M. Gandhi
Civil Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 145 - 147
Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. For the calculation of runoff we have to determine Infiltration capacity. Runoff is contributed from large catchment area where ground conditions are different, bulk density may be different from place to place and therefore infiltration capacity also. For determination of runoff infiltration is an important parameter. Present study is an attempt to understand the various methods used for measurement of infiltration capacity and how the infiltration rate is measured on field by double ring infiltrometer. Also the relation of infiltration capacity with the soil parameters (Bulk Density, water content, Dry Density) This study has been done by a detailed research and analysis of some papers written by well-known researchers in the above field.
Design of Microstrip Coupler
Sidde Punith Reddy ; Usha Kiran Patnaik; P. Venkateshwara Reddy; G. Lavanya
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 148 - 150
In this paper a simple design procedure is used with accurate formulation. It comprises a complete design of symmetrical four port microstrip directional coupler including physical length at desired optional frequency. The design procedure doesn’t require prior knowledge of physical geometry of the coupler but requires only the information of the port impedences, coupling and optional frequency. The validation of design concept is done by observing a negative insertion loss in the output.
Experimental Analysis on Synergetic Effect of Multiple Nanoparticle Blended Diesel Fuel on CI Engine
Sachin Jacob James ; Roshith Oommen George; Sajunulal Franc; Mathew John; Geo Sebastian
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 151 - 156
Although the Compression Ignition Engines are a significant source of power, their detrimental emissions initiated the searches for alternative fuels that are renewable, safe and non-polluting. Even many researchers have put valid efforts in fuel modification, the current work describes the role of multiple nanofuel additives in diesel fuel. In this context, Aluminium oxide and Cobalt oxide nanoparticles are incorporated with the diesel fuel to investigate the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a four stroke, single cylinder diesel engine. Experiments were carried out using five different additive combinations, neat diesel and diesel with some commercial additive for comparison. The experimental outcome revealed a substantial enhancement in brake thermal efficiency and a marginal reduction in harmful pollutants such as NOX, CO and smoke, for a particular nano additive proportion compared to that of neat diesel and commercial additive incorporated diesel.
A Review on Corrosion and Corrosion Resistance of Mg Based alloys by using Coatings
Gopal Sahu ; Prof. Brijesh Patel
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 157 - 161
Magnesium (Mg) alloys are light, structural and functional engineering materials with a high strength to weight ratio which are increasingly being used in the automotive, aerospace, and electronic and energy industries. However, magnesium is chemically active with an electrochemistry differing from most conventional engineering metals. This review provided some recent progress of the research on corrosion mechanisms of magnesium and its alloys and a basis for follow on research. Galvanic corrosion, pitting corrosion, intergranular corrosion, filiform corrosion, and crevice corrosion were discussed. Additionally there is a review of coatings for magnesium alloys and an analysis of alloys and coatings. Finally it recommends an option for a future coating that may prove to be the best coating for long lasting corrosion resistant parts.
Design and Simulation of Darrieus (Eggbeater) type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Open Source Software Q Blade
Ritesh Sharma ; Prof. Brijesh Patel
Renewable Energy
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 162 - 169
This work concentrates on review of Design and Simulation of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine rotor blades through General Public Licensed Software Q blade. Though not being used in Mazority like Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine but with advantage of being omnidirectional for incoming wind velocity, grounded generator assembly they are coming into attention of Modern reearchers. This paper can be said as tutorial of this Dedicated Wind turbine simulation software.
Studies on Strength Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Varied Percentage of Fibre Content
Syed Akramuddin ; Prof. Rajkumar Ambalgi; Prof. Kalappa.Sutar; Subhash ; Shivkumar Nagure
Civil Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 170 - 174
Cement concrete is the most extensively used construction material in the world. The reason for its extensive use is that it provides good workability and can be moulded to any shape. Ordinary cement concrete possesses a very low tensile strength, limited ductility and little resistance to cracking. Internal micro cracks, leading to brittle failure of concrete. In this modern age, civil engineering constructions have their own structural and durability requirements, every structure has its own intended purpose and hence to meet this purpose, modification in traditional cement concrete has become mandatory. It has been found that different type of fibers added in specific percentage to concrete improves the mechanical properties, durability and serviceability of the structure. It is now established that one of the important properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. In this paper effect of fibers on the strength of concrete for M 35 grade have been studied by varying the percentage of fibers in concrete. Fiber content were varied by 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, and 1%. Cubes of size 150mmX150mmX150mm to check the compressive strength and beams of size 75mmX100mmX500mm for checking flexural strength were casted. All the specimens were cured for the period of 7, 14 and 28 days before crushing. The results of steel fiber reinforced concrete with varied percentage of fiber were studied and it has been found that there is significant strength improvement in steel fiber reinforced concrete.While studying the compressive strength of cube is found for about 0.75% the compressive strength is maximum and 1% for flexural strength of the prisms. Also, it has been observed that with the increase in fiber content value increases the strength of concrete.