Study on Strength Characteristics of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash and Coarse Aggregate by Coconut Shell
Md Taqiuddin ; Nikita Munigal; Imtiyaaz Ahmed; Sharnappa; Prof. S.N Munnur
Civil Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 417 - 425
The rising cost of construction material is a matter of concern. The reason for increase in cost is high demand of concrete and scarcity of raw material. Hence the concrete technologists must search for some economical alternative to the coarse aggregate. In this study M 30 grade of concrete was produced by partially replacing cement by flyash and coarse aggregate by coconut shell. Conventional concrete with normal aggregate and coconut shell concrete with 10 - 40% coarse aggregate replacement with CS were made and properties like compressive strength, and split tensile strength were investigated. Cubes of size 150mmX150mmX150mm to check the compressive strength and cylinders of 150mm dia and 300mm length were casted. All the specimens were cured for the period of 7, 14 and 28 days before crushing. The compressive strength of coconut shell concrete for 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% obtained for 28 days are 35.72 N/mm2, 33.71 N/mm2, 29.91 N/mm2 and 25.21 N/mm2 respectively and the corresponding split tensile strength are 3.65 N/mm2 , 3.46 N/mm2, 3.12 N/mm2, and 2.88 N/mm2 respectively. Results indicated that there is moderate decrease in compressive strength for 10% 20% and 30% replacement i,e 5.67% ,10.93% 23.05%, corresponding decrease in split tensile strength 6.16% 11.05% and 19.97% respectively. The results of the study showed that concrete produced by replacing 10% to 20% of coarse aggregate by coconut shells can be used in reinforced concrete construction and 30% to 40% replacement can be in structural lightweight concrete (ASTM C330, 1999). A potential exists for the use of coconut shells as replacement of conventional aggregate in both conventional reinforced concrete and lightweight reinforced concrete construction. The use of coconut shells as partial replacement for conventional aggregates should be encouraged as an environmental protection and construction cost reduction measure.
Wind Power Generation on Highway
Arvind Kumar ; Sandip Kumar Singh
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 426 - 431
Wind energy continues to be one of the fastest growing technology sectors. This trend isExpected to continue globally as we attempt to fulfill a growing electrical energy demand in an environmentally responsible manner. As the number of wind power plants (WPPs) continues to grow and the level of penetration reaches high levels in some areas, there is an increased interest on the part of power system planners in methodologies and techniques that can be used to adequately represent WPPs in the interconnected power systems. WPPs can be very large in terms of installed capacity. The number of turbines within a single WPP can be as high as 200 turbines or more, and the collector system within the WPP can have several hundred miles of overhead and underground lines. It is not practical to model in detail all individual turbines and the collector system for simulations typically conducted by power system planners. To simplify, it is a common practice to represent the entire WPP with a small group of equivalent turbine generators or a single turbine generator. In this report, we will describe the data preparation to validate equivalent models for a large WPP. FPL Energy’s 204â€MW New Mexico Wind Energy Center (NMEC), which is interconnected to the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) transmission system, was used as a case study. The data requirement for both steady state (power flow) and dynamic models are described in detail. Other reports related to this project will be listed in the references. One report describes methods to derive equivalent models for a WPP with different types and sizes of wind turbine, another report describes the method of wind turbine model validation. The objective of this report is to describe the data required to perform steady state and dynamic analysis of a WPP. Steady state analysis includes power flow and voltage stability. Dynamic analysis includes the transient, switching, or other dynamic events.
Design, Analysis and Optimization in Automobile Drive Shaft
Virendra V. Maheta ; Anup B. Patel
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 432 - 439
Present study covers design, analysis and development of driveshaft for automobile applications. This covers dimension calculations of drive shaft based on engine power required. Accordingly shaft couplings e.g. universal joints, transmission gears for axle and axle design will be performed considering all static and dynamic loads acting upon it. All design process will be performed with aid of FE analysis using ANSYS software. Optimization will be followed after performing design which includes weight reduction of drive shaft and material selection. It has been observed from results of study that by using composite material in place of steel material, weight reduction of up to about 80% is obtained. When study is carried out for different epoxy materials of composites, it has been observed that Kevlar/Epoxy composite has proved maximum strength compared to the others. When study has been carried out for different fiber angles for composite layers, it has been observed that 90o angle of fibers is providing better fundamental frequency compared to other angles.
Analysis and optimization of Roots supercharger implemented in two wheeler vehicles
Aarshveek Mehta ; Pavan Bhavsar
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 440 - 446
This paper shows the improvement in performance of the IC engine by implementing a supercharger. Moreover, there are several modifications made in the design of the supercharger to obtain the optimum performance by varying the parameters which can improve the performance. Supercharging provides better combustion conditions, torque as well as it also decreases the consumption of fuel as well as exhaust. Inlet pressure is the parameter that is focused upon as it will increase the compression ratio and eventually the efficiency.
Brain Tumour Image Segmentation Using Matlab
S. Vandhana ; D. Dhilip Kumar; K. Sakthi Priya; S. Jeneeth Subashini
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 447 - 451
Brain tumour (tumour- British English, tumor-American English) is a group of cell that grows abnormally in the cell, nerves and other parts of the brain. Methods such as X-Ray, CT-Scan, MRI is available to detect the brain tumour. Many researches have found that people die due to inaccurate detection of the affected brain tumour part. It is necessary to find the accurate part of the affected area of the brain tumor. Bio-medical image processing is the most challenging and upcoming field in the present world. By using MATLAB, the tumour present in the MRI brain image is segmented and the type of tumour is specified using SVM classifier (Support Vector Machine).
Preamplifier Design for Bio Signal
S. Niranjana ; K. S. Sanjay Kumar; S. Ram Mohan; G. Lavanya
Aeronautical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 452 - 455
This paper is aimed to design a preamplifier for bio signal such as electromyography (EMG) which records the muscular activity of the human body. Surface EMG are used because it assesses muscle function by recording muscle activity from the surface above the muscle on the skin. Surface electrodes are able to provide only a limited assessment of the muscle activity. The activity of the muscle are recorded in the form of waveform in the cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).The input voltage, output voltage and the gain of the different muscular movements are tabulated.
Analysis of Auditory Response of Hearing Impaired Patients using FMRI Data
Kaavinna Nainesh Thakkar
Bio mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 456 - 460
The detection of hearing impairments is based on a response based audiogram and for infants & mentally impaired patients, methods like auditory brainstem response, auditory steady state analysis etc., are used, all of which are invasive. Non-invasively, by combining the analysis of both structural & functional brain images the regions in brain can be found responsible for auditory processing. The aim behind this project is to find activated areas in the brain corresponding to auditory stimulation given to the patients by making use of SPM (Statistical Parameter Mapping) software. For this purpose fMRI data is pre-processed before analysis. Then a model is specified and parameters are estimated. For each step of processing and analysing a better approach is chosen based on the data of fMRI images and its specific purpose. Statistical inferences are drawn based on the activated voxels found in the processed and analysed fMRI images. The detected brain regions are masked with those of the hearing impaired patient’s regions that are found for patients with sensorineural hearing loss on giving word input as an auditory stimulation. The results depict some common areas between both the hearing impaired and normal patient when given auditory stimulation.
Voice Controlled Wheelchair using Speaker Dependent Voice Recognition and Improved Formant Frequency Location Method
Durgesh Shastri
Bio mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 461 - 463
Voice Recognition is widely spreading technique and has found application in many fields Speaker Dependent voice recognition technique is the preferable technique where high accuracy and low error rate is required with less complexity. Feature extraction plays a key role in the sensitivity or accuracy of the recognition process. This paper focuses on the formant frequency location method and will try to improve accuracy of the most simple statistical feature extraction technique and procedure to control the wheelchair using voice command.
A Study of Surface Roughness in Drilling of AISI H11 Die Steel using Face Centered Design
Sudesh Garg ; Ravi Kumar Goyal
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 464 - 474
Drilling is one of the most common and fundamental machining processes. In machining, twist drills with diameters of 1–20 mm are used. Most of automotive components are manufactured using a conventional machining process, such as turning, drilling, milling, shaping and planning, etc.. These focus on producing high quality products in time at minimum cost. The surface roughness and MRR are considered to be a measure of the technological quality of a product. The aim of the present work is to optimize cutting conditions (Cutting speed, feed, wet and dry cutting, depth of hole) parameters for minimum Surface Roughness in drilling of AISI H11 using Face Centered Design . Experiments were conducted based on the design of experiments (DOE) and followed by optimization of the results using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to find the minimum surface roughness.
Use of Marble Powder and Fly Ash in Self Compacting Concrete
Kishan.P Pala ; Krunal.J Dhandha; Paresh.N Nimodiya
Civil Engineering
Year: 2015, Volume:1, Issue : 12
Pages: 475 - 479
In Recent years, Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) has gained a wide use for placement in congested reinforcement concrete structures where casting condition are difficult and in high rise buildings where pump ability properties are required. SCC used where, Fresh property of concrete required as a high fluidity and good cohesiveness. The project can lead to use of marble powder as a industrial waste and Fly ash as a pozzolana material. The established benefits substitution marble powder and fly ash by cement to make concrete such as economic, saving landfill, Reduce CO2 emission by the use of less cement. The amount of marble powder as a waste material is significantly of increasing. Therefore the utilization of marble powder in Self compacting concrete as filler material, The main objective of study is the behavior of SCC with marble powder and fly ash and understand the effect on fresh property, Harden property and Durability and also investigate the compatibility of marble powders in SCC along with chemical admixture such as super plasticizers and also Considerable enhancement in fluidity, hardened property and Durability of SCC by substitution of cement by Marble powder and Fly ash.