An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Various Pin Fins
Mr. Dnyaneshwar Kamble ; Pitambar Gadhave; Suraj Gole ; Madhav Gole
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 1 - 3
The main objective of this experimental study is to quantify and compare the forced convection heat transfer enhancement of pin fin with using different materials. In this study, the steady state heat transfer from the pin fin is measured. The increase in the heat transfer coefficient was achieved with copper pin fin at 100 watt heat input considerably in comparison with that of the other materials pin–fin over the whole range of Reynolds numbers. Pin fin made of steel material had less heat transfer coefficient as compared to other materials.
Mobile Cloud Based Compiler with Security approach
Panavelkar Amar ; Mr. Ghule Ramesh B.; Mr. Menkudale Pankaj P.; Ms. Ghogare Sagar P.
Computer Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 4 - 7
Now days, Mobile is for allowing convenient as well as on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing capitals are rapidly provisioned and released with minimum management efforts. In two days world extensively use of internet. In the internet world all the things are online. So create software online compiler. This project main aim can be certainly write program and compile and debug it in online. The system compare three online compilers, namely, Online C, C++ compiler using Android application which decreases the problem of portability and storage space by making the use of Android application, centralized c# compiler using Android application which support to diminish problems of time, cost, storage space by using mobile application concept, online C, C++ compiler using mobile application [Android], which provides most expedient tool to compile code and remove the errors. These two compilers provide online compiler services, so there is no need to install distinct compiler on each pc. By using all these application users can conduct online practical examination.
Study on Environmental Protection Schemes (Highlighting the application on Solar & Biomass Energy)
Bablu Manna ; Bablu Manna
Environmental Sciences
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 8 - 13
The Environment is a French word, significance meaning is surrounding. Environment include Air, Water, Land & human beings and inter relations between them, also includes biotic factors like Plants, creatures, animals, microbes human beings. The “Environment†comprises all entities, natural or manmade, external to oneself, and their interrelationships, which provide value, now or perhaps in the future, to humankind. Environmental concerns relate to their degradation through actions of humans. Environment cannot be separated by its whole system, which constituted by physical, chemical, biological, social and cultural elements, which are interlinked individually and collectively in myriad ways.
Review Study on "The Black Hole"
Dr.Syed Ghause Ibrahim
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 14 - 16
As a star grows old, swells, then collapses on itself, often you will hear the word “black hole†thrown around. The black hole is a gravitationally collapsed mass, from which no light, matter, or signal of any kind can escape. These exotic objects have captured our imagination ever since they were predicted by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity in 1915. So what exactly is a black hole? A black hole is what remains when a massive star dies. Not every star will become a black hole, only a select few with extremely large masses. In order to have the ability to become a black hole, a star will have to have about 20 times the mass of our Sun. No known process currently active in the universe can form black holes of less than stellar mass. This is because all present black hole formation is through gravitational collapse, and the smallest mass which can collapse to form a black hole produces a hole approximately 1.5-3.0 times the mass of the sun .Smaller masses collapse to form white dwarf stars or neutron stars.
AlzHelper: An Ubiquitous Application to Assist Alzeimer's Patients.
Hrishikesh Biradar ; Hirdesh Ahuja; Aditi Kulkarni; Shilpa Khedkar
Computer Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 17 - 21
In the past few years, there has been a significant advancement in smartphone technologies, especially android systems. Many innovative applications have been developed that are used in the health-care domain. We have a similar aim when developing this application, it intends to facilitate doctors’ tasks by using a ubiquitous information system. To achieve this, our application is based on the open source operating system, Android, and web service technologies. As this increases in levels of flexibility and popularity, we aim to develop an application that acts as a tool for advancement in the industry. There are two applications, one each for patient and caretaker. These applications are connected through and communicate using the server.
Online Signature Verification System using DRT,DCT and K-NN Classifier
Kajal Sanjay Khabiya ; Lalit Vijay Sonawane; Sagar Sanjay Sonawane; Tanuja S. Sali
Information Technology
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 22 - 27
The paper presents an effective method for "Online Signature Verification System". For feature extraction we use Discrete Radon Transform (DRT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier(K-NN) is used as a classification technique which classifies the test signature as genuine of forged. Experimental results obtained on our signature database proves that Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) works better than Discrete Radon Transform(DRT) and gives high accuracy level to the system.
Finite Element Analysis on RCC Pneumatic Actuator Scotch Yoke
Suresh S Bujari ; Suresh S Bujari
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 28 - 33
Vital efforts are been made to study a Remote Controlled Compact Pneumatic Actuator. Scotch-yoke is an important component whose function is to convert rotary motion to linear motion. The scotch-yoke is subjected to compressive forces and was found to be the component failing consistently in the actuator. Hence it was found necessary to modify the existing design. This paper attempts to perform a design optimization of the scotch-yoke used in the RCC pneumatic actuator using linear static analysis. The results are compared and changes are suggested. The key parameters of interest of deflections & stress distributions in the scotch yoke. The baseline model had deflection of 4.234 mm, 1.9783 mm & 0.0125 mm in the x, y & z directions respectively while the deflections in the optimized model had deflection of 3.943 mm, 2.296mm & 0.006007 mm in the x, y & z directions respectively. The normal stresses in the baseline model 2191 N/mm2, 1439 N/mm2& 681.063 N/mm2 in the x, y & z directions respectively, whereas the normal stresses in the optimized model were 1369 N/mm2, 1392 N/mm2& 521.707 N/mm2 in the x, y & z directions respectively. The von Mises stress in the baseline model was 3643N/mm2 and in the optimized model is 2706 N/mm2.
A Review on Centrifugal Compressor Design Methods
Qasim Siddiqui ; Shubham Sonawane; Pratik Sondkar; Indraneel Phirke
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 34 - 36
The use of turbochargers has increased in response to strengthened automotive exhaust emission and fuel consumption regulations for global environmental protection. Most centrifugal compressors are required to operate over a broad range of flow rates and to provide a high pressure ratio with high efficiency. The internal flow of a centrifugal compressor is very problematic with 3-dimensional and unsteady flow phenomena, and the analysis of flow phenomena and expansion of the operational range are difficult problems. Review is done for gathering the efficient method for designing and analyzing the centrifugal compressor. In order to meet these demands the application of variable geometry techniques is often considered and applied.
Enhanced Center of Mass Technique for Detection of Missing & Broken Pharmaceutical Drugs
Shilpa ; Arun Bhatia
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 37 - 42
Medication has become more significant in everyone’s life people are affected by many diseases. There are certain diseases which cannot be cured without medication. A vast amount of different pharmaceutical products that is tablets and capsules are produced, recommended and consumed everyday worldwide to cure the disease. During production there may be damages like breakage, cracks exist in the tablets or capsules. There may be side-effect of these defected drugs when consumed. So these medicines should be properly checked for any kind of damage before being sold to the consumers. Since large amount of medicines are produced every day so manual inspection of these medicines is very challenging task and it consume more time. Therefore, a system is required to make this process automated. So, this paper proposed a method to inspect damaged and missing tablets with Centre of Mass (COM) edge detection. This method suggests finding edges of tablets by knowing their Centre. The no of capsules in the blister are calculated by Centre of Mass (COM) edge detection method.
A Multi Owner – Multi User Data Transmission for Secured Information in Wireless Sensor Networks
Neha Dhotre ; Ramesh Jadhav
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 43 - 45
As a WSN is typically conveyed in threatening situations, secure code spread is and will keep on being a noteworthy concern. Most code dispersal conventions depend on the brought together approach in which just the base station has the power to start code spread. More critically, all current information revelation and dispersal conventions utilize the brought together approach where the information things must be spread from the main sender nodes. When the main sender node is not working or when the association between the main node and a hub is shattered then the dispersal becomes difficult. Hence we have proposed a protocol called DiDrip. It allows multi users and multi owners to access the data simultaneously.