Human Computer Interaction using Eyes (HCIE)
Mr. Jaimin Patel ; Mr. Anurag Rishishwar
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 46 - 52
The paper presents a novel idea to control computer mouse cursor movement with human eyes. In this paper, a working of the product has been described as to how it helps the special people share their knowledge with the world. Number of traditional techniques such as Head and Eye Movement Tracking Systems etc. exist for cursor control by making use of image processing in which light is the primary source. Electro-oculography (EOG) is a new technology to sense eye signals with which the mouse cursor can be controlled. The signals captured using sensors, are first amplified, then noise is removed and then digitized, before being transferred to PC for software interfacing.
A Study of Effect of Baffle Wall on Dynamic Response of Elevated Water Tank using ANSYS 16
Prasad A Dhumal ; MR. S. R. Suryawanshi
Civil Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 53 - 63
Finite element analysis is useful numerical technique to solve various structural problems. In this paper FEA model of rectangular elevated water tank with baffle wall is model using ANYSIS 16.0 sloshing effect is a major problem encountered in the analysis of design of reinforced concrete rectangular elevated water tank. In this paper study of baffle wall is done with varying parameters such as thickness, spacing of baffle wall. In second stage opening effects are studied in baffle walls.
A Review on Passive Solar Dryers
A. Balassuadhakar ; Teklebirhan Fisseha; Amessalu Atenafu; Bariso Bino
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 64 - 70
Drying is basically a phenomenon of removal of liquid by evaporation from a solid material. In drying technique the psychometric is of importance as it refers to the properties of air-vapor mixture that controls the rate of drying. When an adequate supply of heat is provided for drying, the temperature and rate at which the liquid vaporization occurs will depend on the vapour concentration in the surrounding atmosphere. Solar drying refers to methods of using the solar energy for drying .A solar dryer is an enclosed unit, to keep the food safe from damages, birds, insects and unexpected rainfall. There are various types of solar dryers it’s mainly classified as active and passive dryers. Active dryers are forced convection system and passive are natural convection system of air. The passive dryers are more economical than active dryers. There is a need to make the solar dryers more efficient and cheaper. In this paper, we reviewed the various researches in passive solar dryers for drying agricultural products.
Risk Analysis of Software Schedule based on Simulation
Bhawna Verma ; Mamta Dhanda
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 71 - 77
Schedule is the key issue for success of any software project. To maintain the scheduling of software project is very difficult task as a result of it's very hard to estimate the project completion time. For analyzing the schedule risk in software project Monte Carlo Simulation is principally used which calculate the activity time of project network several number of times e.g. 1000 times, each time selecting the activity time randomly using probability (beta) distribution. The Monte Carlo simulation technique is mainly used in research work to provide greater flexibility in estimating critical index and project completion time. The objective of work is to analyze the schedule risk in software projects by calculating the critical index of each activity in the network of software project.
Design and Implementation of ND Pre-Handshaking Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Kalaivani R ; Thejeswi S; Yalini C
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 78 - 82
Neighbors Discovery (ND) is a basic and step for initializing wireless ad hoc networks. A fast, accurate, and dynamic clustering based time efficient protocol has significant importance to subsequent operations in wireless network. However, many on hand protocols have high probability to generate idle slots in their neighbor discovering processes, which prolong the execute duration, with therefore concession their recital. within this method, recommend a novel randomized protocol FRIEND, a pre-handshaking neighbor finding protocol, to initialize synchronous full duplex wireless ad hoc networks. By introduce a handshaking approach to help each node be aware of activities of its neighbor hood, we significantly reduce the probabilities of generate redundant slot along with collision. in addition, among the improvement of single channel full duplex communication technology, promote shrink the dispensation instance required into companion, also construct the first full duplex national discovery protocol. Our academic analysis proves that FRIEND can decrease the duration of ND by up to 48% in comparison to the classical ALOHA-like protocols. In addition, propose HD-FRIEND for half duplex networks and variant of FRIEND for multi-hop networks and duty cycle network. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that FRIEND can settle in to a range of scenario and significantly decrease the duration of ND.
Novel Approach for Multilevel Haze Removal by Dark Channel Prior Method
Manasi Shah ; Manikamma Mallipatil
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 83 - 85
Digital cinema photography has been gained lots of interest in the modern system as evolvement of the cameras for capturing the images is a interesting and real life scenario where each of these images captured are processed for multiple uses like data collection, estimation, processing, analyzing etc. The environmental effects plays a vital role for digital processing of the image as between camera and object the median will be always air which is the part of an environment. In the proposed work of image de-hazing the process of estimating and recovering the image which is affected by presence of haze in the environment has been serious issue and will be resolved by using dark-bright channel prior method. The result is efficient and satisfying as noise and haze both are removed from the haze image.
Machining of Shape Memory Alloys by using WEDM
Pavan Ashok Phadtare ; Prof. G. S. Joshi; Prof. (Dr) V. R. Naik
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 86 - 90
NITINOL is a newly developed material. It possesses the properties as high fatigue strength, high malleability and high toughness. So machining of such materials is very difficult due to above properties .Thus there is necessary to study the machining methods which use appropriate feed , cutting speed and also considering the machining parameters. A non-conventional machining method Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is used to cut hard to machine materials which are difficult to machine by traditional processes. WEDM is thermal machining process capable of accurately machining parts with difficult shapes and more hardness, which have sharp edges that are very difficult to be machined by the traditional machining processes. WEDM is worked on sparking phenomenon of EDM and used as non-contact type material removal process.
A Study on Carbon Footprint of Different Hotels in a Metropolitan City
M. Rajarajan ; Dr. S. Ganapathy Venkatasubramanian
Environmental Management
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 91 - 97
Carbon footprint is defined as the total sets of greenhouse gases that are emitted by a product, organization, services or an organization. This is a recent area of development on the field of climate change and global warming, where a base line for carbon dioxide equivalent emissions are calculated that are useful in tracking the future emissions. The greenhouse gases are to be reduced to the maximum as it is a threat to the global mean temperature’s increase and it destroys sustainability. In this study different star categories of hotels in a metropolitan city are taken as the fields of study, whose carbon footprint is calculated so that it will give an idea of what carbon emissions is happening actually in a metropolitan city due to these hotels. It is a comparative study which gives light on which type of hotels can be chosen for a long run so that the environmental sustainability is achieved and the emissions are to a minimum level. The area chosen for this study is Chennai, which has a various attraction for tourists and business people all over the year, and always there is a high demand for the hospitality sector to cater the needs of the customers. All the three scopes of Carbon emissions according to the greenhouse gas protocol has been taken into account for the calculation of emissions which are direct, indirect and other indirect emissions. Thus by arriving at a base line it will be useful to measure the further reductions on a yearly or monthly basis. Suitable energy conservation measures are also given accordingly to address the areas where energy can be conserved and best practices are also discussed so that energy optimization is possible.
Multiple Perception for Indian Road Sign Recognition and Classification
Jaya Chidanand Kadganchikar ; Jyoti Neginal
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 98 - 100
In human general activities the movement from one place to another place is an important aspect. The use of vehicles is a main resource for the movement of the humans from place to place. It requires the person who is capable of handling the vehicle and also has the knowledge regarding the road driving rules. These rules regarding the driving system are displayed at each road on side to street. Detection of these sign board meaning is an important aspect in the maintains of the road collision. If the user who driving understands the sign than the collision can be reduced significantly. Hence we propose a traffic sign recognition system for the user who doesn’t know the meaning of sign exactly. The system detects the sign based in the features like shape and colour and later classifies the sigh based in the perception classifier to give the result to user after interpretation.
Tribological Investigtions on Al-Al3Ti In-Situ Metal Matrix Composite
Veeresha G
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 101 - 121
In the present study, an attempt has been made to prepare and characterize Al-Al3Ti metal matrix composites with varying percentage of in-situ Al3Ti (3, 5 and 7%). The composites were prepared by the reaction commercial purity aluminum 99.7% and K2TiF6 salt at a reaction temperature of 800 °C. The prepared samples were characterized by optical microscopy. The wear tests were conducted on all the prepared samples by varying parameters like wt. % of Al3Ti particles, normal pressures, sliding speeds. Mechanical properties were assessed using computerized universal testing machine, Brinell hardness tester, Surface roughness tester and micro hardness tester. The worn surfaces were examined by optical microscopy after wear test.Al-3Ti, Al-5Ti and Al-7Ti alloys were prepared and effect of Ti content on hardness, tensile strength, volumetric wear rate and surface roughness were examined. Experimental alloys were fabricated by salt route method. Volumetric wear rate of the reinforced Al-3Ti, Al-5Ti and Al-7Ti alloys at room temperature were measured. The present results suggest that the wear resistance of Al-Al3Ti composites increases with increase in percentage of Al3Ti particles compared to pure aluminum. In addition, the improvement in mechanical properties of the composite was observed in Al-5Ti composite when compared to Al-3Ti and Al-7Ti and to the pure Al. Better tribological properties of these alloys can be achieved at Al-5Ti.