Development of Healthy Snacks from Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana) Malt: An Alternative Approach to Functional Foods
Karnika Prakash ; Dr. Rajni Chopra
Food Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 122 - 131
Food is a most essential surviving tool fulfilling the basic requirement of hunger and also preserves essential nutrients for good health. Finger millet (ragi) (Eleusine coracana) grains were given various processing treatments like malting, germination, blanching, pressure cooking and roasting to reduce the anti-nutritional factors. The most efficacious processing treatment variant is then further used for development of muffins. In the present study, malting resulted in 54.6 % reduction in Phytic acid and 51.2 % reduction in tannic acid respectively. Therefore finger millets were malted by optimizing the sprouting time for 120 h, at ambient temperature and the flour was obtained for development products. Functional muffins were developed and standardized from finger millet malt. The raw materials traditionally referred to as essential in muffin manufacturing, i.e. and refined flour, was targeted for removal or reduction. Proximate analysis and chemical composition of wheat flour, finger millet flour, finger millet malted flour as well muffins developed from these flours respectively reveled that malting increases the bio accessibility of micronutrients. Muffins were prepared and standardized for two variations i.e. 60 % and 90 %. The mean scores, textural and proximate analysis for control and two experimental variations for muffins were analyzed statistically at 5% significance level.
Techniques to Remove High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Form Images
Tarun Sharma ; Pooja Sharma
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 132 - 138
In the field of image processing corruption of images by Impulse noise due to different reasons is common. Impulse noise can degrade the visibility of image up to a great extent hence proper denoising technique for this kind of noise should be there. There are various type of filters used for the removal of impulse noise but every filter has its own limitations. It is observed that the techniques used for removing impulse noise have a problem that they cannot preserve the image details like edges at the high noise densities hence such techniques damage the important information of image during denoising. This problem can be solved by introducing a new approach of impulse noise removal which has the capability of edge preservation. The proposed filter is basically a combination of two different approaches which are bilateral filter and trimmed median filter.
Thermal Cycle in FSW of AA 6061-T6: Experimental Measurements
Sivakumar C K ; Prabhu S; K K Prasoon; S. A. Parthiban
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 139 - 141
This work analyses the thermal cycle in frictional stir welding of AA6061-T6.sectioning method is adopted to analyses the thermal cycle raised in the practical experiment. This does not consider the conductivity if material and heat transferred between tool and specimen. The experiment conducted in five travel speed and the temperature measured by k-type thermo couple. The effect of travel speed also studied measuring with thermocouple attached at different points at different distance from the welded center line during welding .The effect of travel speed with respect to time also studied measuring with thermocouple .The thermo couple fixed at different points at different distance from the welded center line during the welding process .The temperature value and its variation against distance from center line and max temperature point is calculated from the thermocouple reading and timer is used to calculate the time with respected to the travel distance .In this case of experimental work the temperature increase at those point towards the plates end .For each method the variation of temperature from the centerline and speed vary in different ways this can be due to thermal conductivity of material but it is not effected in the formation of the material.
Adaptive Cruise Control
Miss Delicia Perlin Rebelo ; Mr. Linford William Fernandes; Miss Cecilia Jane DSilva; Miss Clarissa Joella Costa; Prof. D. S. Vidhya
Electronics and Telecommunication
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 142 - 146
The present world is a result of advancement and continuous change in technology. The automobile industries are trying to improvise with dynamic features by accepting new technology. Nowadays, vehicle owners are more interested in the speed of the vehicle. But as speed increases, the same results in decrease in safety. But the advanced technology like Adaptive Cruise Control controls every section of the car and provides safety and comfort. Results from this report show a budget aftermarket adaptive cruise control system is feasible and should be continued with further research. A prototype demonstration unit is being implemented. Full testing of the system will be carried out using a model car to simulate traffic in front. This system will be able to adapt to the simulated changes in traffic, and react with according braking and accelerating levels.
A Comparison of Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Subodh Kumar ; A. K. S. Choudhary; Anand Kishore Singh; Amit Kumar Gupta
Manufacturing Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 147 - 152
Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies play a very significant role in making metallic/nonmetallic prototypes or products in layered fashion. The main goal of these technologies is to produce fully dense and net shaped metal/non-metal parts in single step. Some additive manufacturing technologies such as Selective Laser Sintering and Laser Engineered Net Shaping are dominating processes while Laminated Object Manufacturing has also been used. This paper tries to present a comparative picture of the different additive manufacturing technologies.
Analysis of the Behaviour of Reduced and Compressed Data with Various Learning Algorithms
Swati Kaur
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 153 - 160
In machine learning and statistics, classification is issue of recognizing to which of an arrangement of classes a new observation belongs, on the basis of training set of information containing perceptions (or cases) whose classification enrollment is known. Progresses in information collection and storage capabilities amid the previous decades have prompted a data burden in many scientific areas. In this paper analysis of the performance of various classification algorithm is done on reduced and compressed data and concluded which data is more effective for classifying the data. Low Rank matrices perform the best among the three and Huffman’s coding is preferred when we want to save memory space and AANNs is efficient when it to reduce the dimensionality of the data. For classification Low Rank Matrices produces more accurate result than other two.
Detection of Brain Tumor its Segmentation & Classification using PNN Classifier
Shridevi Bagewadi ; Prof. Jayalaxmi S Gonal; Prof. Vinay K Kolur
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 161 - 165
Abnormal growth of tissue in the brain which results in tumor in the brain called brain tumor which causes death of human being. Hence the early detection of tumor is necessary to survive a human being. An automatic pc oriented diagnosing method has designed in order to enhance accuracy of detection and classification of tumor in a brain. Here we are using PNN classifier along with mean shift clustering method for detection and classification of different stages of brain tumor such as Normal, Benign stage and malignant stage. PNN (Probabilistic Neural Network) is a learning machine is basically used with an extension of various image classifications based on Training and Testing networks. Probabilistic Neural Network results in accurate & fast classifying tool for detection and classification of tumor.
The Effect of Coolant in Delamination of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites During Drilling Operation
S. Rathinavel ; G. Vigneshkumar
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 166 - 173
Fiber reinforced composites are used in many engineering applications because of their low strength to weight ratio. Delamination is one of the major problems in manufacturing field for using composites as a raw material. In this work, the delamination of basalt fiber reinforced composites was studied with the effect of coolant in drilling operation. The three set of Basalt fiber reinforced composites is prepared by using hand layup techniques with Vetiver and vinyl ester at varying composition. Taguchi design of experiment was used to investigate the effects of drilling parameters such as spindle speed [2500, 2750, 3000 rpm], feed rate (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 mm/rev). A series of experiments based on L9 orthogonal arrays are conducted using CNC machine for both with the coolant and without the coolant and resulting delamination factor was determined. It was observed that speed is highly influencing parameters than feed rate for the delamination of the basalt fiber reinforced composites when the coolants were not employed. The delamination is very less even at the high speed and feed rate when the coolants were employed for all the three varying compositions made.
Evaluation of Effective Thermal Conductivity in PCB
Vinod Nirale
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 174 - 179
PCB is made of composite materials. PCB consists of a sheet of insulating material, small holes are provided on this sheet for accommodating different components of the circuit to be assembled. A piece of base material on which components are mounted, an insulating material along with the bonding material covered with copper foil gives copper cladded laminates. A laminates is essentially a stack of lamina oriented in different directions, the term layup refers to the composition of laminate. Thermal analyzer are usually posed with the job of predicting the temperatures along and across the plane of PCB(thickness) to understand better effect of thermal gradients and stagnation of heat. The main requirement here is to determine the effective orthotropic physical properties of a copper cladded laminate (PCBs). The use of the “effective†implies properties of the entire laminate i.e. to evaluate effective thermal conductivity, density and specific heat of PCBs, but the in this paper its discussed only to evaluate the effective thermal conductivity.
A Transport Vehicular Coordinated by Movement Framework using - VANET
Humera Sadaf ; Prof. Jyoti Neginal
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 1
Pages: 180 - 182
With the advancement of remote correspondence system, VANET has gotten extensive consideration on data sharing and information conveyance administrations. VANET_NW is an uncommon method of AdHoc mobile network which gives Roadside to Vehicle Conversations (RVC) and vehicle to Vehicle Conversations (IVC) organization. So as to gather current activity condition and convey movement control data to automobiles, Smart Transportations Machines (STM) needed for adequately utilize VANET as well as movement frameworks which comprising all the available resources from the already installed hardware. Street Side Units (RSUs) are utilized for gathering movement measurable information, briefly buffering information, differentiating present vehicle locations and minimizing the correspondence detain. That are by and large passed on at changed regions (example, road crossing focuses Some VANET structures had come in new system in light of the foreseen courses and datebook’s of transports all together to upgrade the transmission execution). In any case, none of them exploit the current movement frameworks.