A Technological Review: On Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters
Suraj J. Raiyani ; Ravindra Gamit; Balvant Solanki; G. Pradeepa
Electrical Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 202 - 206
The electric drives and its application requires advanced power electronic converter to meet the high power demands. As a result, multilevel inverter structure has been introduced for high power and medium voltage applications. A multilevel inverter improves the performance of the system in terms of harmonics, dv/dt stress and Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC). The multilevel topologies are (1) Diode clamped (2) Flying capacitor and (3) Cascade H-bridge. According to literature review, Cascade H-bridge multilevel inverter with separate DC source is most commonly used for medium voltage and high power application. This configuration has several identical single phase H-bridge cells which are cascaded in series at its output side. In this project different level of cascade H-bridge multilevel inverter are simulated by using MATLAB software and analysis of total harmonic distortion (THD) is calculated.
Development of Jute Fibre Reinforced Natural Rubber Composite Material and Determination of Its Mechanical Properties
Prasanth P ; Muhammad Hijas N M; Pramod P; Sivam H; Sivasubramanian P
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 207 - 212
Composite materials are a combination of two or more different components which generate a substance with performance characteristics exceeding those of individual ones. Natural fibre based composites are gaining attention these days. Natural fibre reinforced biodegradable composites are good alternatives for conventional materials due to cheaper cost, eco-friendly, recyclable and bio degradability. Jute fibre of different lengths is selected and it is mixed with natural rubber by allowing it to pass through roller mills. The different lengths of jute fibre selected are 5mm, 10mm and 15mm. Mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, tear strength, swelling and hardness characteristics of the composites are tested. The results of the different tests show that the properties may vary with change in length of the jute fibre. Best result for curing time and tensile strength is obtained for 5mm mixture. Best result for tear test and swelling test are obtained for 10mm mixture. Maximum hardness is given by 15mm mixture. Characterization of the best specimen and jute fibre are examined using the SEM image. Thus from the result jute fibre has demonstrated its potential to be used as a filler in natural rubber.
Robotic Vehicle for Seed Planting and Weeding Applications
Shraddha V Muley ; Warsha S kandlikar
Electronics and Telecommunication
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 213 - 216
In modern globalization, many technologists are trying to update a new development based on automation which works very rigidly, high effectively and within short time period. The progressive invention in agriculture system is becoming an important task especially because of rising demand on quality of agriculture products and declining labor availability in rural farming areas. Agribot is a robot designed for agricultural purposes. It is designed to minimize the labor of farmers in addition to increasing the speed and accuracy of the work. It performs the elementary functions involved in farming i.e. ploughing the field, sowing of seeds and covering the seeds with soil. The robot is autonomous and provides the facility for optional switching of the weeding system when required. The designed system involves navigation of robot to the destination successfully and does the above functions.
Graph Database: A Complete GDBMS Survey
Deepak Singh Rawat ; Navneet Kumar Kashyap
Information Technology
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 217 - 226
In the time of enormous information, information examination, business knowledge database administration assumes an imperative part from specialized business administration and exploration perspective. Over numerous decades, database administration has been a subject of dynamic examination. There are distinctive kind of database administration framework have been proposed over a time frame yet Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is the one which has been most prevalently utilized as a part of scholastic examination and technical setup. As of late, Graphs databases recovered enthusiasm among the analysts for certain conspicuous reasons. A standout amongst the most critical explanations behind such an enthusiasm for a graph database is a result of the inalienable property of charts as a Graphs structure. Charts are available all around in the information structure, which speaks to the solid availability inside the information. The vast majority of the Graph database models are characterized in which information structure for graph and occasions are displayed as graph or speculation of a graph. In such graph database models, information controls are communicated by chart arranged operations and sort constructors. Presently days, the vast majority of this present reality applications can be demonstrated as a graph and one of the best genuine illustrations is social or organic system. This paper gives an outline of the diverse sort of graph databases, applications, and correlation between their models in view of a few properties.
Geotechnical and Geological Studies of Rockfall and Landslides along Mumbai Pune Expressway
Anubhav Boshat ; Prof. R. S Patil; Prof. N. R Patil; Manish Malik; Raghav Agarwal
Civil Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 227 - 232
Mumbai-Pune is the India’s first expressway, which passes from the mountainous regions of the Deccan Trap. It has suffered from a large number of rockfall and landslides during 2003-2004. A very large number of accidents have occurred on the Mumbai-Pune expressway. On the basis of frequency and magnitude of the recorded incidences of rockfall on the expressway. It have been taken in need of investigations and mitigation. Based on the geological and geotechnical investigations, various causes for rockfall and location at this location have been established.
Effect of Aqua Silencer & Catalytic Converter on Exhaust Emission : A Review
Mr. Jayvir Shah ; Dr. Vikas Patel
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 233 - 238
Automobile exhaust emission is one of the major part of air pollution all around. A human will take 20 to 22 Kg of O2 while 20000 times taking breadth. It means in order to take clean O2 environment need to be clean & automobile pollution like CO, HC & NOX which creates human illness need to be reduce. This study will gives highlight of advance catalytic converter which uses non noble metals & technology with which disadvantage of catalytic converter like cold start & back pressure can be minimize & design modification in aqua silencer till date, These technologies are economical & able to reduce emission up to emission norms also research gap is identified at the end of the review which gives direction for the future research.
Effect of Climate Change on Crop Water Requirement of Ukai Right Bank Canal Command Area
Mukesh. A. Modi ; Dr. N. J. Shrimali
Civil Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 239 - 242
The effect of climate change on crop water requirements of URBC command were observed with assumption of no change in the regulations relating to agriculture and irrigation over the period of 15 year during 1998 to 2013 in the study area of command of Ukai right bank main canal, Gujarat. The variation of CWR was observed due to the increase in temperature and greenhouse gases, whereas the change in rainfall and thunderstorms were non predictable parameter. Global warming is badly influencing the temperature and precipitation, which will directly have impact on the root zone in soil media, moisture condition and required volume of ground water. Although crop water requirement estimation is prerequisite for planning, development and functioning of water resources projections, it seems that the practice of estimating CWR using current data only is no longer going to work and the planning should be done in light of implication of global as well as local climate change effects. This study reveal the clear difference over the period of 15 year duration the CWR for the same command area has been considerable amount of 142.59 Day Cusec. This means Average CWR per year was 9.50 Day Cusec due to climate change effect. This study will be useful for decision makers to evaluate the negative effects of climate change to crop water demand in URBC and better planning for water resources management.
A Survey on Semantic Similarity Measures
Aditi Gupta ; Mr. Ajay Kumar; Dr. Jyoti Gautam
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 243 - 247
Measuring the semantic similarity between words, sentences and concepts is an important task in information retrieval, document clustering, web mining and word sense disambiguation. Semantic similarity is basically a measure used to compute the extent of similarity between two concepts based on the likeliness of their meaning. This survey discusses the existing similarity measures by partitioning them into two approaches: Corpus-based and Knowledge-based. The features, performance, advantages and disadvantages of various semantic similarity measures are discussed. The aim of this paper is to provide an efficient evaluation of all these measures and help the researchers to select the best measure according to their requirement.
Evaluating the Strength of High Performance Concrete by using Poly Carboxylic Base
Palli.Mallika Devi ; M.K.M.V.Ratnam; Dr.U.Ranga Raju
Civil Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 248 - 253
This paper introduces a two admixture as polycarboxylic ether (PC base) and H.R.Johanson by which the different test are directed as stream capacity and compressive test by which the diverse review of cement is utilized as (M50) and (M150) as elite concrete and ultra-superior cement separately. Blending was done in layers to guarantee a uniform blend is gotten.' During the blending just the craved amount of water was included an extraordinary accentuation was the decrease of water amount however much as could reasonably be expected to control the water bond proportion and consequently enhance quality. The admixture extent was flawlessly included as no isolation and detachment of cement is held, different materials as fly-powder, GGBS, 10 and 20mm total, waterway sand, pulverize sand and so on this paper considers a best admixture is utilized for neighbourhood cement to expand the quality and different properties, this is utilized for different tall structures and flyovers which is built now a days.
An Experimental Study on Concrete with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement using Magnesium Sulphate Solution
M. Ravi Teja Raju ; Mr. K.M.V Ratnam
Civil Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:3, Issue : 12
Pages: 254 - 258
Ordinary Portland Cement is recognized as a major construction material throughout the world. Researchers all over the world today are focusing on ways of utilizing either industrial or agricultural waste, as a source of raw materials for industry. This waste utilization would not only be economical, but may also result in foreign exchange earnings and environmental pollution. wastes, such as blast furnace slag, fly ash and silica fume are being used as supplementary cement replacement materials. A few studies have been carried out on the ashes obtained directly from the industries to study pozzolanic activity and their suitability as binders, partially replacing cement. This project analyses the effect of SCBA in concrete by partial replacement of cement at the ratio of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight by using magnesium sulphate solution. The bagasse is an important by-product of the sugar cane industry and most of it is used to produce steam and electricity in a co-generation plant at the ethanol plant.. This experimental study examines the compressive strength of concrete. The main ingredients used are Portland cement, SCBA, river sand, coarse aggregate and water. After mixing, concrete specimens were casted and subsequently all test specimens were cured in water at 7 days, 28days, 56days, 90days, and 180days.