A Secure and Low Cost Range-Free Localization Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks
Anju Thomas ; Remya Ramachandran
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 231 - 237
In these days, it is very important to trace a mobile in the vast mobile sensor network. It is mainly for identifying the location of the person who is using that mobile. For this application, the location of the mobile node (mobile) is to be found. This process is known as localization. Out of different types of localization techniques, range-free localization approaches are cost-effective for mobile sensor networks (because no additional hardware support is required). Due to economic considerations, mobile sensor networks typically have sparse anchor nodes which make most range-free localization algorithms inaccurate. On the other hand, due to the power limitation of mobile sensor nodes (i.e., they are battery-operated) and high power consumption by communication, high communication cost will significantly reduce the network life time. For solving these two problems, historical beacons (i.e., anchor nodes’ announcements delivered in previous time slots) and received signal strength (RSS) are used to derive three constraints. By the aid of the three constraints, introduced a low-communication-cost range-free localization algorithm (only one-hop beacon broadcasting is required).Also extended this project by adding a data discovery and dissemination protocol. This makes the system free from vulnerabilities.
Fixed Cost Allocation and Coordination of Participants in Pool Market
Bhuvnesh Kaushik ; Loveleen Kaur
Electrical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 238 - 244
The work proposes allocation of fixed cost inside a pool market by implementing Shapley approach of cooperative game in two folds - 1) locational charge as per usage made and 2) remaining charge. Meanwhile the required characteristic function for Shapley has been constructed by proposing a new method - MVA utility factor method. All attained solutions mostly lie in the core of the game, hence fairest, acceptable and equitable allocations are found. Authors also promoted MVA utility factor method to implement solely on the large systems where it is not easy to apply Shapley approach. Correlation coefficients have been deduced to show nearness of MVA utility factor method towards Shapley approach. Illustrations have been made for IEEE 6 bus system and IEEE 14 bus system as pool market.
Comparative Study of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs with and Without Openings using Finite Element Analysis
Aradhana Ganvir
Civil Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 245 - 252
A reinforced concrete flat-plate floor system is widely used in various types of building structures including condominiums, parking garages, and office buildings. This floor system is advantageous in terms of simpler formwork, shorter construction period, reduced storey height, flexible room arrangement, more headroom, better air circulation, and better light penetration. In spite of the advantages, the system has its problems, one of which is the possibility of punching shear failure in the vicinity of the slab-column connections. Present aim of this study is to check the suitability of flat slabs with openings of different location & sizes. In this study FE analysis of flat slabs is proposed. Firstly a comparative study is carried out between experimental & analytical design of 500x500x110mm & 700x700x110mm slab panels. The analytical study has been done by using SAFE 12.2.0 4 for 500x500 & 700x700 mm panels with and without openings. The behavior of flat pates then compared w.r.t to maximum deflection, Failure load & first crack load.
Opportunity and Challenges of Municipal Waste Disposal in India
Neeraj Kumar Patel ; Prashant Baredar
Renewable Energy
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 253 - 264
The collection and treatment of municipal solid waste have become an intense problem due to speed up economic development, fast urbanization, cumulatively increased population and industrialization. Increased attention has been given by the government in recent years to handle this problem in a safe and hygienic manner. The purpose of this paper is to review the collection of municipal solid waste (MSW) and landfill deposition. Unscientific landfills leads to deterioration in air quality, public health, etc. Every landfill is an environment hazard and the dump yards have become breeding grounds for dengue, malaria and water-borne diseases. There are concerns over medical consequences from landfill sites and older incinerators, including cancer, mortality, birth defects and low birth weight. Ozone-depleting substances released from discarded electronic appliances and building materials (e.g. foams), as well as industrial waste practices, contribute to ozone-layer depletion.
The Creation of Mosaic Image using Colour Correction between the Images
Humera Fatima
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 265 - 267
Picture design applications depend upon both global and photometric enrolments between the pictures which are to make the mosaic. This system gives an anticipation shading amendment calculation to redressing the photometric differences. To start with, the picture to be shading remedied is sectioned into a few locales utilizing mean movement. At that point, associated areas are removed utilizing a district combination calculation. Neighborhood joint picture histograms of every locale are displayed as accumulations of truncated Gaussians utilizing a most extreme probability estimation system. At that point, neighborhood shading palette mapping capacities are processed utilizing these arrangements of Gaussians. The shading amendment is performed by applying those capacities to every one of the areas of the picture. A broad examination with ten other best in class shading revision calculations is exhibited, utilizing two distinctive picture pair information agreed. Outcome demonstrate that the given approach gets the better normal aggregate in one or more information agreed and assessment measurements and it is a likewise better strong for disappointments.
Efficiency improvement of Grid connected PV using ANFIS based MPPT
Muhammad Shahid ; Naghma Noorani
Renewable Energy
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 268 - 274
The Government of India launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (“JNNSM†or, “National Solar Missionâ€) which inter alia targets 20 GW of grid connected solar capacity by year 2022.The main purpose of this paper to design high efficient PV integrated with grid. Efficiency of PV is improved by using MPPT technique. ANFIS based MPPT is the proposed method of this paper. This technique is compared with Conventional Incremental Conductance(IC) which is based on fast changing radiation. The ANFIS based MPPT scheme works fast and gives improved results under change of solar irradiation. The simulation study is done using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Resonance Prevention in Truck Body through Structure Design Modification - Result Discussion
Dhirendra Gotmare ; Prof. R. R. Gandhe
Mechanical Engineering Design
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 275 - 281
The major amount of worldwide transportation is done by using automobiles. In automotive industries truck chassis are designed as per the design standards but the bodies manufactured by various manufacturers are designed without standard design considerations. In India there is huge market of these manufacturers. These bodies are manufactured as per their loading capacity, there is no standardization of design considering engine vibrations and dynamic performance. Truck bodies manufactured without design standards are unsafe for dynamic performance. The body is excited by dynamic force induced by the engine. Under such dynamic excitations, the body tends to vibrate at some frequency, as truck engine operating rpm range is between 900rpm to 3000rpm. Because of engine, truck body undergoes vibration range between 15Hz to 50Hz. Whenever the natural frequency of vibration of a truck body structure coincides with the frequency of the external excitation induced by engine, there occurs a phenomenon known as resonance, at resonance drastic increase in deflection occurs which leads to excessive deflections and failure of the truck body structure. Hence there exists a need for the industry sector to modify the design of dump truck body structure which allows dump truck body to withstand safe between engine excitation frequencies and simultaneously improvising the strength, reducing weight, and prolonged operational life.
Crack Detection in Structural Beams by using Curvature Mode Shapes
Gollangi Raju ; Lanka Ramesh
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 282 - 289
In recent years, the use of Aluminium structures in engineering application has increased. This is mainly due high structural performance, high corrosion resistance, tolerance of temperature; extreme fatigue resistance and high strength/weight ratio. However, some disorders like matrix cracking and delaminating could be caused by operational loading, aging, chemical attack, mechanical vibration, changing of ambient conditions and shock etc. during the service. The aim of paper is to develop a Vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) method for cantilever beam specimens with the embedded artificial delamination. In the present work, the modal analysis has been carried out on cantilever with and without crack and observed the influence of crack on the beam by using vibration and mode shapes analysis, in this transverse open crack as considered as damage in the beam. Evaluation the natural frequencies and their corresponding mode shapes for different crack parameters (depths and locations) of the cantilever beam has been done by commercially available ANSYS software. Also, the experimental work is done by using Universal Vibration Machine with different crack depth; obtained experimental results are validated with simulation results, which give satisfactory results. Later, curvature mode shapes were calculated by using a central difference approximation to identify the crack location and quantification of the cracked beam. The location and depth corresponding to any peak on this curve becomes a possible crack location and depth. The identification procedure presented in this study is believed to provide a useful tool for detection of medium size crack in a cantilever beam applications.
Design And Fabrication Of Multi-spindle Machine
Tushar Malode ; Prof. R. R. Gandhe
Mechanical Engineering Design
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 290 - 295
The growth of Indian manufacturing sector depends largely on its productivity & quality. Productivity depends upon many factors, one of the major factors being manufacturing efficiency with which the operation /activities are carried out in the organization. Productivity can be improved by reducing the total machining time, combining the operations etc. In case of mass production where variety of jobs is less and quantity to be produced is huge, it is very essential to produce the job at a faster rate. This is not possible if we carry out the production by using general purpose machines. The best way to improve the production rate (productivity) along with quality is by use of special purpose machine. Usefulness and performance of the existing radial Multi-spindle machine will be increased by designing and manufacturing of Multi-spindle head attachment. This paper deals with design and development of Multi-spindle head for cycle time optimization of the component.
Relay Nodule Selection Using Opportunistic Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
Nagesh Damami
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2016, Volume:3, Issue : 2
Pages: 296 - 299
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) finds its applications in several fields like keeping track of hospitals, industries, and military and so on. The sensor nodules of WSNs detect physical measures such as humidity, fire, pressure as well as physical entities such as human or animals. The sensor nodules capture and send the data to a sink nodule. The energy spent in collecting and sending the data to the sink nodule must be such that there are no energy holes. The network is expected to have a high life time as well. One factor that saves energy is the type of routing adopted. In this work a unique routing algorithm is introduced which takes into account the concept of relay nodules to overcome the issue of loss during transmission. i.e using the principle of opportunistic routing theory, relay nodules take the decision based on their distance to sink and the residual energy of each other to forward the packets/data to ensure the minimum cost and power during data relay and to protect the nodes with relatively low residual energy.