Extracting User's Posts to Perform Sentiment Analysis and Recommend Yoga
Ruchi Goel ; Sonali Manhas; Shadual Sinha
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 143 - 145
Sentiment analysis is one of the foremost tasks of Natural Language Processing. Sentiment analysis has gathered much interest in recent years. In this paper, use of text data mining is used to consider the sentiments of the user, through a text document or resource to get important ordered information. Analyzing the mental state of user is done by identifying the sentiments of a user’s social media posts. According to the analysed emotions, Yoga Asanas and other easy solutions will be provided to the user. It aims to combine the advantages of social media and the ancient form of exercise – Yoga to provide a holistic approach to a better mental health.
Real Time Automatic Helmet Detection of Bike Riders
Kavyashree Devadiga ; Yash Gujarathi; Pratik Khanapurkar; Shreya Joshi; Shubhankar Deshpande
Computer Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 146 - 148
Nowadays two-wheeler is the most popular modes of transport. However, because of less protection there is a high risk involved. As a solution to this, it is highly desirable for bike-riders to use helmet. Observing the usefulness of helmet, Governments have made it punishable offense to ride a bike without helmet and have adopted manual strategies to catch the violators which has limitations of speed. Using video surveillance of the street, the proposed approach detects if the bike rider is wearing a helmet automatically without manual help. If a bike rider is detected not wearing a helmet, the number plate of the vehicle read and noted. A database will be generated with records to identify every offender accurately. The system implements pure machine learning in order to identify every type of helmet that it comes across with minimum computation cost.
Video Subtitle Generation
Pratiksha S. Baviskar ; Ashwini D. Borse; Radhika D. Bharambe; Aishwarya D. Bakale
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 149 - 152
Video plays an important role to help people understand and comprehend the information in much easier way, for example movies, songs or video lectures relevant to user. This can be best done by generating subtitles of the video. At present there are some systems which are able to generate only speech to text, not the video to subtitles in efficient way. Also downloading subtitles of any video from the internet is complex process. To generate subtitles of video automatically through software is solution for this. Hence, in this proposed system subtitles can be generated through three different phases namely audio extraction means separating audio from video and converting audio in suitable format if necessary. The second phase proceeds to the recognition of speech contained in the audio, before giving audio for speech recognition audio is divided into number of chunks. The subtitle generation phase generate subtitle file from the recognition results of the previous step. Subtitle generation is the final process to get subtitles as output of video in which a .txt/.srt file is generated synchronized with the input file. This system can help people to remove the gaps of their native language and the auditory problem. It can also help children with word identification, meaning, acquisition and retention, and it can establish a systematic link between written word and the spoken word.
Comparative Analysis for Two Different Wind Speeds for A G+10 Storey Structure
Kilari Lakshmi Kanth Patrudu
Structural Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 153 - 166
Every Civil Engineering structure or building is unique in nature unlike other engineering products which are produced in a massive scale using the same technique again and again. The present Project is an effort to analyze the multistorey building subjected to wind load by STAAD.Pro software. Consideration of site specific lateral loading due to wind along with vertical gravity loads is important for finding the behavior of the tall buildings. As the height of a building becomes taller, the amount of structural material required to resist lateral loads increases drastically. The wind load values were generated by STAAD.Pro considering the given wind intensities at different heights and strictly abiding by the specifications of IS 875 and compared it with the critical case condition. In the present study, the analysis of multistorey building is carried out in a routine fashion. So it helps in the investigation of the behavior of the structure under different loading conditions, its load deflection behavior.
Energy Generation from Water Pipe Lines
Er. Sreejith R ; Rahul George Kuruvilla; Sobin Biju Mathew; Suraj Chacko Mathew
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 167 - 169
The rising demand for green energy has generated a lot of emphasis on energy conservation and generation of green energy. Even a small amount of energy savings made has become significant in saving the environment. In this project, a study is conducted and an idea is proposed to extract power from the flow of water flowing in the pipelines from high head storage of a building. A building of height 15 m is considered for this study. The study conducted shows that water flowing in the pipe has sufficient energy to run a micro hydro turbine. The feasibility of such an idea of producing electrical energy from the energy of pipe water is tried out by building a miniature prototype. The theoretical calculations were done using the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and the results thus obtained results are validated with the experimental setup and the numerical results are validated using CFD simulation. In addition, energy analysis has been carried out to quantify the irreversibility during the process in the system.
Auto-Information Collection and Broadcast Model using Multi-Agents in VANETs
Anju S Pillai ; Hari S
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 170 - 174
Autonomous vehicle traffic information systems are a relevant topic for next-generation traffic information Systems, as the existing centralized traffic information systems involve a large initial investment and high operating costs. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are a compelling application of ad hoc networks, because of the potential to access specific context information (e.g. traffic conditions, service updates, route planning) and deliver multimedia services. Vehicle traffic information systems suffer from many problems such as the need to communicate large amounts of data, requiring a longer time for road network coverage, unsteady transmission, and the need for an automatic generation and update method for road network congestion information in a large-scale urban road network. To overcome these problems, here proposes an agent based information dissemination model for VANETs. Multiagent based information dissemination in VANETs, uses a set of static and mobile agents in VANET agency. This model provides flexibility, adaptability and maintainability for traffic information dissemination in VANETs as well as supports robust and agile network management. The proposed model has been simulated in various network scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach.
Flexible Transmission using Non-Orthogonal Based Underwater Optical Communication
Archana A Pillai ; Netha Merin Mathew
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 175 - 179
Recent developments in communication offers much improved transmission facility to world, therefore it requires a suitable platform to accommodate more connections in order to fullfill the needs. Existing methods suggest many ways to solve this problem but it is complex and has some demerits. In this work, on-orthogonal multiple access based underwater optical communication enables a platform to solve the demerits related to existing optical communication in which it reduces the interference between users and improves the transmission capacity and flexibility compared to other methods. Therefore, NOMA based UWOC offers a clear transmission environment to fullfill the requirements. Also, simulations are performed to study about the non-orthogonal multiple access.
Automatic Wheel Chair Lift for Buses
Jiddukrishnan D ; Ajay John; Anoop; Fredy K Subhash
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2018, Volume:4, Issue : 11
Pages: 180 - 189
Transportation is an extremely difficult issue for physically disabled people. Existing transportation facilities available to physically disabled persons are not sufficient. In order to have barrier free transportation system, it is required to have a system which serves physically disabled people too. The motive of the project is to provide a solution to the boarding constraints of physically disabled while utilizing the public transportation facilities. This mechanism facilitates the transportation of people with disabilities. The wheelchair lift platform extends out with the help of a motor. The platform descends down to ground level enabling person to board in and with pneumatic action the wheel chair is lifted to level of bus platform. Through reverse action the platform is made to occupy the initial stage and with help of motor the entire platform is drawn back to casing. The pneumatic system offers a stable lift but with low load carrying capacity.