Prevention of Service Denial in Collaborative Network
Gangotri Tamman ; Prof. Patil Rekha
Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 1 - 5
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a developing innovation that pulls in noteworthy consideration from both industry and the scholarly community as of late. By decoupling the control rationale from the shut and restrictive executions of conventional system gadgets, it empowers analysts and specialists to outline new imaginative system capacities/conventions in a significantly more adaptable, intense, and simpler way. SDN gives new research chances to security, and it can incredibly affect organize security inquire about in a wide range of ways. In any case, till today, SDN has not been very much perceived by the security group yet. The new elements given by SDN can help improve organize security and data security prepare. By efficiently thinking the open doors acquainted by SDN with system security, new bits of knowledge for future research has been given in this essential region.
Design of Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger using CFD Tools
Devvrat Verma ; Mukesh Kumar Verma; Preeti Singh; Thakeshwar Prasad Verma; Rajesh Kumar Verma
Heat Power And Thermal
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 6 - 12
In present day shell and tube heat exchanger is the most common type heat exchanger widely used in oil refinery and other large chemical process, because it suits high pressure application. The process in solving CFD consists of modeling and meshing the basic geometry of shell and tube heat exchanger using CFD package ANSYS 13.0. The objective of the project is design of shell and tube heat exchanger with helical baffle and study the flow and temperature field inside the shell using ANSYS software tools. The heat exchanger contains 7 tubes and 800 mm length shell diameter 90 mm. The helix angle of helical baffle will be varied from 00 to 20°. In CFD will show how the temperature varies in shell due to different helix angle and flow rate. The flow pattern in the shell side of the heat exchanger with continuous helical baffles was forced to be rotational and helical due to the geometry of the continuous helical baffles, which results in a significant increase in heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure drop in the heat exchanger. There is a wide application of coiled heat exchanger in the field of industrial applications for its enhanced heat transfer characteristics and compact structure. Lots of researches are going on to improve the heat transfer rate of the helical coil heat exchanger. Here, in this work, an analysis has been done for a tube-in-tube helical heat exchanger with constant heat transfer coefficient with parallel flow. There are various factors present that may affect the heat transfer characteristics of the heat exchanger. The flow pattern in the shell side of the heat exchanger with continuous helical baffles was forced to be rotational and helical due to the geometry of the continuous helical baffles, which results in a significant increase in heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure drop in the heat exchanger. There is a wide application of coiled heat exchanger in the field of industrial applications for its enhanced heat transfer characteristics and compact structure. Lots of researches are going on to improve the heat transfer rate of the helical coil heat exchanger. Here, in this work, an analysis has been done for a tube-in-tube helical heat exchanger with constant heat transfer coefficient with parallel flow. There are various factors present that may affect the heat transfer characteristics of the heat exchanger.
A Study on Impact of Polypropylene (Recron-3s) Fibers on Compressive and Tensile Strength of Concrete
Anusha Chowdary ; Chaithra. N; Chethan. K
Structural Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 13 - 22
The use of blended cement is becoming common in these days owing to the attempts made by the researchers in the direction of utilization of materials, which are available in natural abundantly. The new additives fly ash and polypropylene (Recron -3s) fibers, which is tried in recent times without any scientific study was found to be satisfactory. While, there is much to be done in order to standardize the properties of the said additives. The experimental study of this investigation consists of design of M40 grade concrete mix. The mix was worked out giving certain proportions by keeping the obtained water- cement ratio constant as 0.40. Concrete blends, viz. conventional concrete blends with differing rates of fly ash (0, 20, 30 and 40%) as cement replacement material were examined. Simultaneously the fibers were varied from 0 - 1% for each of the fly ash replacement in the concrete mix. The compressive strength and split tensile strength test were carried out at the ages of 7, 28 and 56 days. The impact of fibers and fly ash as cement replacement material on mechanical properties were analysed and compared with conventional cement concrete. This paper briefly shows the compressive strength of cubes and tensile strength of cylinders of all the concrete blends explored at 7, 28 and 56 days.
Design of Health Rate Monitoring System using Wearable and Ecological Sensors
Priyanka Parihar ; Prof. Neetu Sikarwar
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 23 - 25
As the health rate service evolves, technology provides easily available health data, which can help people, deal with health concerns. Wearable sensors are used for this purpose. Wearable systems are used for health and rehabilitation practices, especially useful for wearable wear sensors, quick response times, minimum sample pre-treatment and high voting is included. Wearable sensor equipment attached to Smartphone applications is already a part of sports personnel. Sports personalities use wearable systems like a tired oximetry (a non-invasive way to monitor O 2 infection), which helps them optimize their performance. Generally, wearable sensors and portable computing devices offer the possibility of giving patient health information on time with the doctors as well as for the patients. By supplying real-time health information, a sensor primarily based healthcare information infrastructure can be used to effectively maintain patient medical records based on the information collected on a relatively stable basis. The proposed solution for this method combines the environmental and wearable sensors so that the patient's health status can be monitored around the patient and at the same time. This will allow the broad understanding of the condition of the patient and the expert on both subjects to take care of the patient.
Experimental Analysis on Effect of Steel Fibers on High Strength Geopolymer Concrete
Syed Ahsanullah Quadri ; Maneeth P. D; Brijbhushan S
Civil Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 26 - 30
Not only is cement production very energy intensive, it also consumes a significant amount of natural resources. On the other hand, a large volume of volatile flyash is already creating around the world, most flyash are not effectively used, and much of it is deposited in landfills both issues are addressed in this paper. This study gives the resultants of an experimenting research on the mechanical properties of geopolymer compounds contain 70% flyash, 30% GGBFS, alkali fluids & steel fibers. The review analyzes effects of steel fibers on mechanical properties tests of FRGPC. The blends were prepared with an alkali solution to binder ratio of 0.4 with 30% flyash supplanted by GGBFS on a massive basis. Steel fibers were added to blend in the volume fractions of 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.25% and 1.5% by volume of cementitious material. The results of the mechanical tests obtained after 7 and 28 days of environmental curing indicate that included incorporation of fiber in GPC there is only a light increase in the compressive strength. In contrast, SplitTensile strength and flexure strength increase significantly and the water penetration experiment also shows that the FRGPC specimen is durable. The two limitations of GPC, such as the retard in setting time & the need for temperature hardening to increase strength were also eliminated by replacing 30% of fly ash per GGBFS in the GPC mixture.
A Study on Middleware Technologies in Cloud Computing
M. Saranya
Computer Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 31 - 36
This paper Middleware connectivity software presents that where all it provides a mechanism for processes to interact with other processes running on multiple networked machines. It Bridges gap between low-level OS communications and programming language. Middleware Application Programming Interfaces provide a more functional set of capabilities than the OS and a network service provide on their own and also hides complexity and heterogeneity of distributed system. Middleware-oriented R&D activities over the past decade have focused on the identification, evolution, and expansion of understanding current middleware services and the need for defining additional middleware layers and capabilities to meet the challenges associated with constructing future network-centric systems. It contains the more different technologies that can be composed, configured, and deployed to create distributed systems rapidly and it working with the cloud computing environment.
Multi Boundary Mobility Organization with SIP and MIP (To Avoid Handoff Delay)
M. Saranya
Computer Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 37 - 42
In this paper we provide an experiment analysis of MIMM (Multi Interface Mobility Management) demonstrated in a heterogeneous network involving 802.11b and CDMA access technologies. Wireless LAN (WLAN) or Wi-Fi is becoming prevalent means of access to the wireless internet. Especially the advent of the hotspot service brings the roaming user the benefit of receiving broadband internet access while outside one’s enterprise network. But the coverage of the hotspot in public area is still limited and may not be available everywhere. On the other hand 2.5G/3G cellular system provides wide area connectivity to the roaming users. Therefore, the scenario for seamless communication involving movement between cellular and hotspot is becoming realistic these days. Because of lack of available solutions to take care of such mobility scenarios, switching among multi-interface causes several problems as it involves interaction between physical layer, network layer and the application layer. MIMM (Multi-Interface Mobility Management) is a module that helps to realize the seamless interface switching involving 802.11b and CDMA networks. It provides the interaction between cross layers while providing the mobility management solution.
Object Detection and Tracking from Video Sequence using MATLAB
S. Saranya
Computer Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 43 - 47
This paper aims to detecting and tracking objects in a sequence of color images taken from a video camera. Motion detection and tracking algorithm is presented for monitoring the pedestrians in an outdoor scene from a fixed camera. A mixture of Gaussians is used to model each pixel of the background image and thus adaptive to the dynamic scene. Color chromaticity is used as the image representation, which results in the illumination-invariant change detection in a day lit environment. To correctly interpret those objects that are occluded, merged, split or exit from the scene, a scene model is created and the motion of each object is predicted. A Bayesian network is constructed to reason about the uncertainty in the tracking. The results for detecting and tracking the moving objects in the PETS sequences are demonstrated.
A Novel Study on Privacy Scheduling Data Attacks in Hierarchical WSN
Computer Engineering
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 48 - 53
A wireless sensor network is a collection of numerous sensors distributed on an area of interest to collect and process data from the environment. One particular threat in wireless sensor networks is node compromise attacks, that is, attacks where the adversary gets physical access to a node and to the programs and keying material stored on it. In this Paper Privacy and energy efficiency are critical concerns in wireless sensor network (WSN) design. This paper aims to develop an energy-efficient secure scheme against power exhausting attacks, especially the denial-of-sleep attacks, which can shorten the lifetime of WSNs rapidly. Although various Medium access control (MAC) protocols have been proposed to save the power and extend the lifetime of WSNs, the existing designs of MAC protocol are insufficient to protect the WSNs from denial-of-sleep attacks in MAC layer. This is attributed to the fact that the well-known privacy mechanisms usually awake the sensor nodes before these nodes are allowed to execute the privacy processes. Therefore, the practical design is to simplify the authenticating process in order to reduce the energy consumption of sensor nodes and enhance the performance of the MAC protocol in countering the power exhausting attacks. This paper proposes a cross-layer design of secure scheme integrating the MAC protocol. The analyses show that the proposed scheme can counter the replay attack and forge attack in an energy-efficient way. The detailed analysis of energy distribution shows a reason-able decision rule of coordination between energy conservation and privacy requirements for WSNs.
Innovative of Power generation with PV Technology on Solar Roadways
Monika B. Dhoke ; Pratik Ghutke
Integrated Power System
Year: 2017, Volume:4, Issue : 3
Pages: 54 - 56
This are other approaches and methods of using solar photovoltaic technology on highways, for example, using solar-powered LED roadway lighting, security lighting, highway changeable message, etc. Although these are very important applications, in terms of power generation or power saving, they are almost negligible in comparison to the approach that it has suggested in this paper. Also, one can see the cost-oriented modeling and design optimization for alignment to determine operation and engineering cost of the highway.