IGCC - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle - is an innovative electric power generation concept that combines modern coal gasification technology with both gas turbine (Brayton cycle) and steam turbine (Rankine cycle) power generation. The technology is highly flexible and can be used for new applications, as well as for repowering older coal- fired plants, significantly improving their environmental performance. IGCC provides feedstock and product flexibility, greater than 40 percent thermal efficiency, and very low pollutant emissions. The first commercial IGCC plants, put into service in the U.S., through DOE’s cooperative Clean Coal Technology program, have proven capable of exceeding the most stringent emissions regulations currently applicable to coal-fueled power plants. IGCC is a process system that allows the structural integration of a gasification unit with a standard combined cycle power component. After gasification, coal or other solid or liquid feedstock (e.g., biomass, various oils, etc.) are converted into synthetic gas (also known as syngas), which is comprised predominantly of hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO). The combustible syngas is first typically treated for the removal of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide, mercury, and particular matter and then used in a gas turbine (GT) to produce electricity, whereas the assorted exhaust heat is used to generate steam for a second generation. In this study, Process capability study is applied combining the statistical tools developed from the normal curve and control charts with good engineering judgment to interpret and analyze the data representing the IGCC plant process. Also, this study seeks to determine the variation spread and to find the effect of time on both the average and the spread. The results from this study, it is hoped, would set a pace in administration, analysis and use of the process capability study as an integral part of the quality engineering function; as the input to the work is temperature and pressure at the ten streams of the plant. Results could be used for new design applications, inspection planning and evaluation techniques. All the process capability performance indices were all gotten for all the processes, except the Cpm, which, from the plots, was reported to be undefined. From a visual examination of the process spread, it is observed that the data in the histogram in relation to the lower and upper specification limits is not outside limits. Ideally, the spread of the data is narrower than the specification spread, and all the data are inside the specification limits. Data that are outside the specification limits represent nonconforming items. From visual examination of all results (figures 2 to 10), it is observed that Cpk ≪1.33. The implication of the indices is that there is need for a process improvement, such as reducing its variation or shifting its location. Compare Ppk to a benchmark value that represents the minimum value that is acceptable for your process. Many industries use a benchmark value of 1.33. (https://support.minitab.com/en-us/minitab/18/help-and-how-to/quality-and-process-improvement/capability-analysis/how-to/capability-analysis/normal-capability-analysis/interpret-the-results/key-results/). Since all the Ppk are lower than the benchmark, engineers as well as operators of the IGCC plant should consider ways to improve the process.