IJIRST (International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology) ISSN (online) : 2349-6010

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 International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
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Conference Proceedings

Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur,affiliated to the Rajasthan Technical University (RTU), Kota and approved by AICTEis organizing 2-daysconference on 26-27thFebruary2016 in association with IJIRST. 

The event shall provide a common platform of meaningful interaction to policy makers, industry leaders, scientists and academicians to deliberate, interact and recommend an actionable strategy for good governance and to improve the standard of services rendered to the common man. The chief objective of the conference is to bring together experts from industries, academia, R&D institutions and other user communities on a common platform to discuss and share their expertise and experiences.

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Organized by

Vivekananda Institute of Technology
Jaipur, Rajasthan -303012
Website : www.vivekanandagroup.ac.in


Publication Partner


International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
Website : www.ijirst.org